
Digital Europe Programme

Testing and Experimentation Facility is a technology infrastructure that has specific expertise and experience of testing mature technology in a given sector, under real or close to real conditions (e.g. smart hospital, smart city, experimental farm, corridor for connected and automated driving, etc.).

Testing and Experimentation Facilities

  • Agri-Food: The principal objective of this measure is to further the development of the agri-food sector by enabling the full benefit of the digital transformation with AI and AI-powered robotics technologies and the move to a Circular Economy for a more sustainable, affordable, efficient and competitive production under high standards.
  • Health: The objectives of the TEF are accelerate the testing by mutualising the infrastructures as well the administrative, medical and ethical procedures and certifications as well as to advance personalised medicine and person-centred care, with the aim to increase the effectiveness, resilience and sustainability of European health and care systems and reduce healthcare delivery inequalities in Europe, while ensuring compliance with relevant legal, ethical, quality and interoperability requirements.
  • Manufacturing: The world-class large-scale reference site for testing and experimentation of AI-powered solutions will enable integrating state-of-the-art AI and robotics technologies in the manufacturing domain, and will foster the deployment trustworthy, transferable and scalable Industrial AI in Europe. A transition towards a more AI-driven manufacturing industry will improve the quality and sustainability of production.
  • Smart cities and communities: To provide a testing and experimentation facility for AI and robotics in cities and communuties and make their resources accessible to EU cities, communities and innovative academia and industry stakeholders (including SMEs) that would enable them to validate novel AI-driven services in close-to-real-life environments before their further massive deployment.

You can find detailed information and document here.